You dont blâme it for the result of your actions, you are responsible for the action. So it is your responsibility to take the blame after your satisfaction...
When you are in a position today either enjoying or suffering always plan your way through to the future because every position you are is always for a limited period.
Don't let anybody to tell you, you don't deserve a particular thing, as far as you can earn it you deserve it all.. Work for what you want and you assured of getting it
When you have started making you sad then you should know it time you take a step, but always be patient because everything has a constant of changing. Learn to always love what you have no matter what condition it causing you
☀ Quote of the Day☀ Everything happens when it needs to happen. But Don't wait for Extraordinary Opportunities. SEIZE common occasions & make them Great ! 🙂 Have a happy and happening day ahead !! 👍