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What Are Friends For?

Akpos and Ochuko were drinking palm wine together. Ochuko said, "Akpos, I have a confession to make."Akpos asked, "What is it?" Ochuko said, "Last week, I slept with your wife. I am sorry." Akpos shouted, "You slept with my wife?!" Ochuko said, "Please forgive me."Akpos cooled down and said, "What are friends for? I forgive you." The following week, Ochuko was furious that someone had harvested all his crops in his farmland. During their drinking time in the evening, Akpos said to Ochuko, "Ochuko, I have a confession to make." Ochuko asked, "What is it?" Akpos said, "I was the one who harvested all your crops. I am very sorry I did that." Ochuko, after getting angry, said, "What are friends for? I forgive you." Two weeks later, they were drinking palm wine together when Ochuko said to Akpos, "Akpos, I have a confession to make." Akpos asked, "What is it?" Ochuko said, "I poisoned your drink because I was angry with you. Please forgive me.Akpos said, "So you poisoned my drink? Anyway what are friends for? I forgive you. I also have a confession tomake." Ochuko asked, "What is it?" Akpos said, "I am sorry! I exchanged our drinks. Please forgive me!"
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