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SUCCESS 11 SECRET Be Absolutely Honest with Yourself and Others

SUCCESS 11 SECRET Be Absolutely Honest with Yourself and Others
SUCCESS 11 SECRET Be Absolutely Honest with Yourself and Others
Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and all achievement.


PERHAPS THE MOST valued and respected quality you can develop is a reputation for absolute integrity. Be perfectly honest in everything you do and in every transaction and activity. Never compromise


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your integrity. Remember that your word is your bond and your honor is everything when it comes to business.

All successful business is based on trust. Your suc- cess in becoming a self-made millionaire will be de- termined solely by the number of people who trust you and who are willing to work for you, give you credit, lend you money, buy your products and serv- ices, and help you during difficult times. Your charac- ter is the most important asset that you develop in your entire life, and your character is based on the amount of integrity that you practice.

The first key to integrity is to be true to yourself, in all things. Be true to the very best that is in you. Being true to yourself means doing what you do in an excellent fashion. Integrity is demonstrated internally by personal honesty and externally by quality work.

The second key to integrity is to be true to the other people in your life. Live in truth with everyone. Never do or say anything that you do not believe to be right and good and honest. Refuse to compromise your integrity for anything. Always live up to the very highest standard that you know.

Here is a question for you to ask and answer on a regular basis: What kind of a world would my world be if everyone in it was just like me?

This question forces you to set high standards for yourself and keep raising the bar. Act as though your every word and action were to become a universal

Be Absolutely Honest with Yourself and Others 41

law. Carry yourself as though everyone were watching you and patterning his or her behavior after yours. And when in doubt, always do the right thing, what- ever it is and whatever it costs.


Almost every problem in your life can be resolved by a return to your values. What are they? What do you believe in and stand for? Whenever you expe- rience stress of any kind, it usually means that you are compromising one of your values. Whatever it is, resolve this very minute to be true to what you really believe to be important in your life.


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